2023 CPAL Conference
Day 1 The Work
The 1st day of the conference proposes shared legacy platforms for multiple artists as a collective using an economy of scale. Panel discussion on how to take the first steps toward reconciling single artists’ legacies. Essential tools for data collection, preservation, and legacy building. Artists’ introduction to good studio habits as it corresponds to scholarly pursuits, emphasizing cataloging, conservation, provenance, and documentation.
8:45am Doors Open
9:00 - 9:10am
Welcome, introduction - Susan Reynolds, Executive Director, The Milton Resnick and Pat Passlof Foundation
9:10 – 9:30am
CPAL Conference Opening Remarks - Joy Glidden, Founding Director, Center for the Preservation of Artists’ Legacies, CPAL
9:35 - 9:50am
Keynote Speaker - Phong Bui, Publisher/Artistic Director Executive - The Brooklyn Rail
10:00 - 11:20am
The Current Artists’ Legacy Landscape Resources and Limitations
Moderator: Jennifer McGregor, Curator and Arts Planner, advisor to En Foco's Nueva Luz Study Center, former Senior Curator at Wave Hill
Panelists: Juan Sánchez, CALL Artist and Joan Mitchell Foundation Board member, Judith Page, Artist Educator and Director of Programs, Tree of Life, Ester McGowan, Director of Development, Aperture, former Executive Director of Visual Aids
11:30 – 1:00pm
Existing Platforms: Preserving Artist Legacies
Moderator: Joy Glidden, Founding Director, CPAL
Panelists: Jane DeBevoise, Chair of the Asia Art Archive in America, Francis J. Greenburger, Philanthropist/ Founder, Art Omi and Art Omi Pavilions @ Chatham, Mary Engel, Director - Orkin/Engel Film and Photo Archive
2:00 – 3:30pm
Challenges of Archives – Works on Paper, Ephemera, and Media Art
Moderator: Ann-Marie Richard, Director, Sotheby's Institute of Art, MA Programs
Panelists: Sarah Kirk Hanley, Independent Curator, Critic, and Expert Appraiser - Robert Kipniss Legacy Project, Sur Rodney (Sur), Archivist - Geoffrey Hendricks Estate, Jacob Proctor, Gilbert and Ann Kinney New York Collector, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Louky Keijsers Koning, Director of the Estate of Barbara Hammer and Principle of Keijser Koning Appraisals.
3:40 – 3:55pm
Testimonial: Magda Salvesen, Director, Jon Schueler Foundation
4:00 – 4:15pm
Closing Remarks: Joy Glidden - Founding Director, CPAL